Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I am in love with BUTTER!!!!  Grass fed, organic, local delicious butter.  However, sometimes there are different kinds of butter that fill my heart and tummy with joy.  NUT and SEED butters!!  Almond butter has grown rapidly in popularity as a more nutrient dense, lower allergen, less inflammatory and more digestible alternative to peanut butter.

However, why stop there?!  Cashew butter, hazelnut butter, 7-seed butter, hemp seed butter are all waiting to fill you up with minerals, healthy fat and plenty of protein!  And, as we know about ALL things nutrition, rotation and variety are key.  Each of these butters offers a unique nutrient profile.  To eat just one is like using just one color of paint... gets the job done, but perhaps a little boring.

All of these butters are available in stores; however, I prefer to make my own: http://abundelicious.blogspot.com/2013/11/how-to-make-almond-butter.html

Okay, so on with the blog post... I just bought some of MaraNatha's sunflower seed butter, and holy cow!  It is so delicious, and much better than some of the other, more lackluster, sunflower seed butters out there.  Only two ingredients (Roasted Sunflower Kernel Seeds and Sea Salt).  BOOM!!  No hydrogenated oils, no cane sugar or refined salt, and can you say MAGNESIUM... 25% daily value!

Whether or not you have a nut allergy, give this butter a try.  I love this stuff, and am going to eat some more right now... ANTS ON A LOG!!!  See ya later, AbundeBUDDIES! xox

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